3rd August 2022
After about a fortnight of increased seismic activity, including a whopping 5.4 quake a few days ago, a new volcanic eruption has started in Meradalir. This location is very close to the site of last year’s eruption.
So far, the only certain sign of activity is the presence of gases emerging from the new volcanic vent.
The new eruption site is close to Stora Hrut ‘The Large Ram’.

Reykjanes Earthquake Swarm
Here are some screenshots of the seismic activity recorded around the site of Iceland’s new volcanic eruption.

Tours Around Iceland
Grindavík Threatened
Fears for the town of Grindavík were considerable during the eruption last year. The new Volcano is in the same area so the same concerns over the survival of the small fishing town could be reborn. Last year’s volcano in Geldingardalur was once forecast to last many years, so many were surprised to see the volcano close it’s crater six months later. Maybe the volcano was just having a rest and the same volcano is re-awakening on the Reykjanes Peninsular.

Volcano Tours
These tours will get you close to the new volcano (when it is active).