A Glimpse Into the Future of Photography Through Innovative Camera Technology
What kind of camera technology will be available in just a few short years from now? Let’s take a look at some…
The Essential Landscape Photography Camera Gear Guide: How to Choose the Right Lens & Camera for Incredible Results
Capturing the grandeur of nature with a single frame can be incredibly gratifying. But to capture exemplary landscape shots you need the…
Cold Climates – Photography in Arctic Conditions
It is important to keep your feet warm and dry as possible. It is worth investing in strong hiking boots which have…
Magic Lantern Firmware – Canon 5D mark II
For Canon Cameras, there is a FREE firmware called Magic Lantern. Magic Lantern is an enhanced upgrade to the Canon DSLR firmware.…
Mother of a Morning – Glacier Beach Iceland
Nacreous clouds are ice particles high up in the atmosphere that catch sunlight long before sunrise. They are also known as Polar…
January Star – Icelandic Ice Beach
It was horrible conditions that brought about this beauty. We were sand blasted and windswept on the black sand beach, day 2…
Colour Ripples – Glacier Ice on Diamond Beach
We caught the tail end of the overnight storm at Jokulsarlon Diamond Ice Beach. The wind & sand created incredible scalloped textures…
Magic Cloth Trouble shooting
Though this technique produces some beautiful images for me, it is not without it’s issues.
I have a Canon 5D mark III
As soon as my batteries charged, I went through the Canon 5D instruction manual. Although this taught me nothing new, I worked…
Night Photography 2 – overcoming the darkness
Night photography is a challenging hobby. You are taking a picture in conditions where you can barely see your camera. You have…
Advanced Photoshop – Dramatic Mono Conversion
This tutorial looks at ways to convert your image to black and white using the tools available in Photoshop CS3. There may…
Photoshop basics – simple colour correction – colour cast fix
This simple colour correction technique shows you how to correct the colour cast in J-pegs or Tiff files, using Adobe Photoshop
Focusing Landscapes – Hyperfocal Distance
Hyperfocal distance involves careful focusing adjustments to ensure that objects close to the camera and objects in the distance all have the…
Photoshop Basics – noise reduction
No camera is perfect. If we push it to the limits of high iso and intense processing, we are going to experience…
Photography Basics – camera settings and types
On a DSLR there is a choice of settings that allow you to have different levels of control over the camera. First…